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  • Early access to all episodes—at least 24 hours

  • Occasional bonus content—(conversations, Q&As, etc.)

Canadian True Crime Premium Feed
  • We want as many people as possible to listen to our episodes, so we will never put them exclusively behind a paywall. You will never have to pay to listen to episodes unless you want early and ad-free access.

  • Canadian True Crime takes a break easy summer in July and August. During this time, there will be less content released.

  • For Premium Feed technical support—including how to cancel—please scroll down further to view your options.

Please note:

How to access CTC Premium Feeds

Prime members get early, ad-free access via Amazon Music.

Apple Podcasts $1.99 USD / month for early, ad-free access.

Patreon $2 USD / month for early, ad-free access.

Supercast $3 CAD / month for early, ad-free access.