132-133 The Lake Family Murders


Content Warning: This series includes the death of a young child. Please take care when listening.

One snowy night, a young family fell victim to a terrible accident…. or so it seemed. What really happened to this family - and why - would become fodder for national and international headlines that only got more curious as the investigation progressed.

This two-part series covers a historical case that resulted in the first ever kidnapping trial in the province of New Brunswick and the last double hanging in Canada.

Old Dorchester County Jail

Podcast recommendations:
CBC Podcasts: The No Good, Terribly Kind, Wonderful Lives and Tragic Deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman
Toronto Star: Suspicion | The Billionaire Murders: The hunt for the killers of Honey and Barry Sherman

Canadian True Crime donates monthly to help those facing injustice.

This month we have donated to the Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime.

Listen ad-free and early:
CTC premium feeds are available on Amazon Music - included with Prime, Apple Podcasts, Patreon and Supercast. 


Research and writing: Eileen Macfarlane
Additional research and writing, sound design: Kristi Lee
Audio editing and production, theme songs: We Talk of Dreams
Production assistance: Jesse Hawke
Script consulting: Carol Weinberg
Disclaimer voiced by Erik Krosby


Court Documents:


  • Six For the Hangman, BJ Grant, 1983.

News Archives:

Online Ancestry Records:

Other online sources:

Music credits:

Theme Song and other original music: We Talk of Dreams

Blue Dot Sessions: Cold War Echo, Roadside Bunkhouse, Pigeon Falls, Our Names Engraved, Minister Creek, Fissure Forming, Access Road 138, Uncertain Ground, Lone Elm, Roadside Bunkhouse, An Unknown Visitor - Minimal, Evidence Room, The Coal Hollow

Kai Engel: Chance

Sergey Cheremisinov: Lucerna


134 The Murder of January Lapuz


130-131 Kelly Favro’s Story